Discover and collaborate on part-time projects before they become businesses.
Connect with students and individuals working on exciting projects.
Explore a wide range of part-time projects in various industries.
Collaborate with motivated university students working on projects.
Expand your professional network by connecting with like-minded individuals.
Provide valuable feedback and mentorship to project owners.
Get involved with projects that have the potential to become successful businesses.
Take part in projects on a part-time basis while balancing other commitments.
To create a project listing, simply sign up for an account and follow the instructions provided.
Yes, joining Project Hunt is completely free for both project owners and collaborators.
Once you find a project you're interested in, you can contact the project owner directly through their provided contact details.
Yes, you can work on multiple projects at the same time as long as you can manage your time effectively.
While we encourage project owners to provide accurate information, we do not vet or guarantee the accuracy or legitimacy of the projects listed on Project Hunt.
Absolutely! You can showcase your completed projects on your Project Hunt profile to highlight your skills and experience.